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Home > Equipment > Tennant T15 Battery Powered Industrial Scrubber


Tennant T15 Battery Powered Industrial Scrubber

The Tennant T15 is a battery powered rider scrubber with a large capacity, good in wide open spaces but still maneuverable. With it's high capacity 45 / 55 gallon tanks and low 73 dBa sound level, the T15 can quickly but quietly clean large spaces without interruption.

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Buy this as-is, or reconditioned by Triad Service Center

Reconditioned units offer:

  • All units come with new batteries.
  • All battery powered units include a charger.
  • 90 day warranty of major component parts & labor with a 30 day travel warranty.
  • Drive, brush and vacuum motors carbon brushes are inspected or replaced by a Triad technician.
  • Wearable items such as squeegee blades, skirts, and hoses are replaced with new.